Meet the Avatars
Click Icon Above to Learn More About Each Avatar

Hedgehog Avatar
The Hedgehog Avatar is the mascot of our abundance club. Global Peace Train's biggest donors and most steadfast volunteers are part of the club. Hedgehogs are Global Peace Train's biggest fans, Top Presentville Players, and those willing to help accomplish real-world projects with personal resources like time and financial support.

At Global Peace Train, we have over 45 avatars that represent the causes and projects we support. Each avatar is a unique storyteller from Presentville and is designed to help you explore and learn complex social problems in an accessible way.
We invite you to explore the avatars and find one that resonates with you. If you feel that connection, join us in our live Presentville shows by donating an Avatar's costume and becoming the Avatar!
- The Hedgehog Philosophy -

Global Peace Train Hedgehogs believe in abundance. Their wisdom is resourceful, humble, and motivated. Presentville Hedgehogs conquer the most challenging tasks and projects that others often deem impossible.
Hedgehogs are Global Peace Train's biggest fans, Top Presentville Players, and those willing to help accomplish real-world projects with personal resources like time and financial support.
Want to become part of the club? Begin with a monthly financial contribution, or fill out our volunteer form to see if there is an opportunity to share your time.